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  • 동래출장안마

Massage Tips For Cellulite - Learn the Ancient Affective Tradition

The ancient art of massage therapy has been passed down from generation to generation. Medical expert all agree on its contribution to keep the body healthy. Today, experts in the art are utilizing its various techniques to help improve circulation in the human body to reduce or remove fat build-up rather than making use of anti-cellulite lotions and creams. click here for more info 동래출장안마

Power Of Massage

One of the benefits you can get from massage is to improve circulation in the human body. The pressure applied onto the skin by an expert masseur can stimulate blood flow to improve the circulation of oxygen in various parts of the human body; not to mention the fact that getting a massage can help us relax and get rid of stress that is a norm in today's fast-paced lifestyle.

Keep in mind that cellulite is a build-up of subcutaneous fat directly under our skin. The cottage-cheese consistence of these fatty substances is loose and can be easily spread out by applying the right pressure on the afflicted area.


You can either look for an expert to give you a massage or you can learn the art on your own. Here are some tips on how to do just that:

1. Apply lotion, cream, or oil before the massage. Dry skin will only make it painful as you slide your thumb or finger on the afflicted area. Some make use of oils that help increase body heat on the applied area for better results.

2. It can be very cumbersome to make use of the whole hand to do self-massage to get rid of this problem. Experts advise the use of your thumb and forefinger and knead your way through with adequate pressure to improve circulation.

3. Start off with applying pressure with your thumb before doing complex techniques. This will help soften up the afflicted area and will help in making your other massage techniques more effective in improving circulation.

Better Results

Massage therapy can also be partnered with a balanced diet and physical exercise for best results. Integrate healthy foods, like fruits and vegetables, to your diet as well as implementing basic exercise routines every morning for 30 minutes that targets fat build-up on your thighs and abdomen.

Keep in mind that making use of massage alone to get rid of this problem might not be as effective as most would think, especially if you're not exerting any effort in controlling your eating habits. Face that fact that what you eat will determine whether you will have fat build-up in your body or not, not to mention being lazy of going through basic exercise to sweat it out.

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